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Although it has not enjoyed a priority position, the topic of the institutionalization of the Italian metropolitan areas has constantly been on the public agenda since 1990 (Law no. 142/1990). Over the past decade this issue has become very relevant in the EU’s countries. Also in Italy it has gained greater attention.

In 2011 the Confindustria network ‘Rete Associazioni Industriali Metropolitane’ commissioned us a study on the territorial and institutional issues with respect to the ten major Italian metropolitan areas.







Le aree metropolitane italiane. Identificazione, analisi, regolazione [Italian Metropolitan Areas. Identification, Analysis, Governance], Rete Associazioni Industriali Metropolitane, Firenze 2011



Antonio Calafati, 'The Metropolitan Question in Italy', in Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica, (to be published)

online: [abstract + text]

Antonio Calafati & Francesca Mazzoni, 'L'area metropolitana di Napoli: interdipendenza territoriale e integrazione istituzionale", in Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali, (to be published)

online: [abstract + text]

Città e aree metropolitane in Italia, Gssi Urban Studies - Working Papers, 2014|1

online: [abstract + text]

Antonio Calafati, Economie in cerca di città. La questine urbana in Italia, Donzelli, 2009